Three Ways To Find The Right Garage For Your Auto Repair

29 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

After your vehicle has suffered damage of any kind, it's time to put some effort into finding the right repair shop to handle the job. If you have a number of auto repair shops in your community, you shouldn't simply give your business to the one that's closest to your home. It's beneficial to visit a few of these shops – even if you have to get someone else to drive you – to check out the facilities, talk to a shop representative and, in general, get a feel for how each shop might suit your interests. Make a point of noticing these three areas to help you make up your mind.

Updated Certification

Many reputable auto shops will clearly display their mechanics' certificates on the walls of their office or waiting area. Take a moment to browse this selection of paperwork – you should be seeing certification from the current year. It's also beneficial to see certification that shows that the shop's mechanics have been trained to work on brand of vehicle. It's common for shops to send their mechanics for training programs run by the leading vehicle manufacturers. Seeing this certification can make you feel confident that the shop's staff will handle your specific repair job correctly.

Specialty Work

While many auto repair shops can handle a wide range of vehicle issues, it's always worthwhile to consider a shop that specializes in your specific needs. For example, an auto-body shop can be reasonably expected to do a better job of fixing damaged body panels than a general shop; likewise, a shop that specializes in tires and brakes is ideal to use if you have this type of problem. Many shops will clearly identify their specialties on signs around the shop, but if you want to be certain, it's beneficial to ask a shop rep.

Warranty Policy

Although it might be displayed in writing, make sure you ask someone at the shop about the warranty policy offered to customers. If the shop is reputable, it will have a clear warranty policy that fully covers not only parts, but also the labor that will be needed to repair or replace any part problems. You can be confident in giving your business to a shop with this comprehensive warranty because you'll know that if a part fails on your vehicle in the future, you won't pay out of pocket to have the issue repaired. Contact a business, such as Black Horse Auto Body Shop Inc, for more information.   
